Payment Plan Request for Booking Company Services

Payment Plan Request for Company Services

Please fill out this form if you would like to book any of Stina's organizational services but do not want to pay in full up-front for a 5% discount.

Your Information


Requested Services

If you're not certain on which exact services you want to book, that's okay! Nothing you choose below is set in stone, and we can adjust your selections after discussing further. If you're really unsure, feel free to leave these blank.
What scope are you looking for?

If you chose Personal Mastery...

How many leaders would be receiving coaching?
This scope involves weekly 1:1 coaching sessions for the leader(s).
What length of time would you like the program to last?

If you chose Group Alignment...

What size of team does the leader have?
This scope involves weekly 1:1 coaching for one leader and monthly group sessions for their team.
What length of time would you like the program to last?

If you chose Organizational Transformation...

How many leaders would be participating?
This scope involves weekly 1:1 coaching for the leader(s) and monthly group sessions for up to 10 direct reports per leader.
What length of time would you like the program to last?