

Providing individualized learning and support to youth and their families that helps them succeed. A key to unlock the support system you truly need.

Focusing on Custom & Individualized Programs

As a Keymaker, we know that there isn’t a skeleton key that fits every person. And because of that we work hard to design the support & programing that your youth & family needs. That means if you’re not seeing a perfect fit below, don’t worry we can create it together & support it through fruition.

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The first step is a quick & simple conversation laying out your pain points & identifying how we can help.

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the key.

Together we’ll custom tailor the perfect key to success for your youth & your family.

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Unlock the

With the correct keys in place you will watch as your youth gains the skills to conquer life’s problems with absolute confidence.

How to Work with Keymaker Services…

Option 1: Form a Long-Term Partnership

For clients interested in a more customized, thorough program, Keymaker creates a 10-phase partnership unique to the youth. We find that our long-term partnerships have the highest satisfaction rates and ability to achieve the desired outcomes set by the youth, guardian(s), and Keymakers.

Each phase has a unique set of goals, hours dedicated to both direct and indirect services, and types of sessions. Phases do not have predetermined timelines; you will remain in each phase until your Keymaker agrees that mastery has been achieved.


Long-term partnerships offer the lowest price per session for both youth and guardian services.


Option 2: Purchase a Package


Awareness of abilities, strengths, & deficits

Tools & strategies




+ Individualized tools & strategies

+ Facilitated implementation & monitoring




+ Family education & supports




+ Support system coordination, education, & support


Youth sessions can focus on any area or skill mentioned on our services list below. Please note that the lower the number of sessions you purchase, the less customized the services will be.


Guardian sessions will be used to discuss observations, insights, and recommendations made by a Keymaker practitioner during the youth sessions. These sessions can also be used by the guardian to ask any questions they may have about their youth, or about future services.

Option 3: Free & Low-Cost Resources

Young Adult


Are you a young adult seeking support? Keymaker serves individuals of all ages.

Direct Services

Service provided directly to the individual for which the services are benefiting.

Academic and Developmental Support

Assist youth with individualized lessons and support to achieve greater academic success. This may include:

  • Grade Monitoring
  • Pre- and Re- Teaching
  • Individualized Lessons and Support to Achieve Greater Academic Success
  • Proctoring Tests and Assessments
  • Collaborating Directly w/ Teachers

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Emotional Intelligence and Self-Regulation Training

Improve the youth’s skills interpreting and responding to diverse situations and to act in ways that foster positive emotional and attention regulation, as well as constructive relationships with others.
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Independent Lifestyle Skills and Readiness Training

Prepare youth for living independently and managing their own finances, relationships, and goals through individualized instruction.
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Private Specialized Education

Support an individual’s unique strengths, needs and neurodiversity.
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Social-Emotional Educational Services

Individualized therapeutic techniques provided by a licensed provider.
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Executive Functioning Skills Training and Support

Enable youth to manage their use of time, task completion, and concentration through differentiated trainings and supports.

  • Time Management
  • Attention Awareness and Shifting of Focus
  • Initiating and Completing Tasks
  • Prioritizing and Organizing
  • Working Memory Improvement

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Self-Advocacy and Self-Awareness Training

Increase the youth’s awareness of their own skills, interests, needs, rights, and improve their ability to self-advocate.
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College, Career and Workplace Readiness Training

Develop skills necessary to navigate college, career, and workplace requirements and goals.
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Combination Program

Two or more services provided within one session.
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Body Focused Repetitive Behavior Education and Training

Create a healthy way to understand the functions, accept, and manage BFRBs with effective strategies that take into consideration where the individual is in their desire to make behavioral changes.
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Our successful clients commonly identify with:

  • Identifiers: autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD), learning disability (LD), emotional disability (ED/EBD), neurodiversity, anxiety, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, homeschooled
  • Needs & goals: education, social skills, study skills, special education, Individual Education Plan (IEP), advocacy, attention & concentration, independent living, college readiness, tutoring, memory, organization, academic, reading, finals & test preparation, emotional intelligence, emotional regulation, emotion management, behavior change, life transitions

In-direct Services

Services provided on behalf of or for the benefit of an individual but not directly
(e.g. trainings for the parent benefit the youth, consultation with a teacher benefits the youth)

Program Management

Management of client’s individualized programs, such as:

  • Progress Monitoring
  • Custom Curriculum Development
  • Communication with Team (health professionals, teachers, counselors, employers, and advisors)

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Guardian Education and Support

Guidance and support provided to guardians, parents, and caregivers targeting skills that best address their youth’s current needs and support guardian understanding and participation in the youth’s current work.
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Expert knowledge and guidance related to education, academics, executive functioning skills, self-regulation, self-advocacy, and other related needs.
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Keymakers Boy 1 - Keymaker Services

She is a fantastic resource with an excellent sense of humor!

My husband and I began working with Christina Borth two years ago when our son was having trouble in middle school. We developed a great partnership with Stina and her dedication to our successes individually and as a family is manifest in our lives today. Stina assisted us in building back our son’s confidence and in his interest in education. Two years later we continue to work with her on supporting our son’s high school education. She is a fantastic resource with an excellent sense of humor!
Path - Keymaker Services

David & Diana F.

Interested in our services?

Whether you're an exhausted guardian, a frustrated leader, or a desperate young adult, we can help you.

Let's work together to make the right key to unlock the door to your success.

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